Immune to shiny hipster tech

We are Saburly - a team of developers, designers, and testers that delivers stable sets of features for your custom software using the best technologies for the job. Contact us if you need help.

Business logic before tech elegance

How many times have you heard engineers discussing the smallest details of the architecture at great length? How many times has your business suffered because your team has decided to rewrite a module in the shiniest new technology that solves all the problems they have?

We know how to build the fastest, most beautiful, microservice backed, both horizontally and vertically scalable incredibly sophistically architected applications. But you most probably don’t need it. And we are not afraid to tell you that. And we always put the horse before the cart.

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The best tool for the job

Ruby is slow? Rails is dying? PHP is not serious? C# is not for real hackers? Java is the next COBOL? Relational databases are not web-scale? Every technology was made for a reason and with a particular set of problems in mind. We are not afraid to use it regardless of what tech bros (of all genders) on Hackernews think about it.

<p data-block-key="b36c5"><b>The best tool for the job</b></p>

Never late

Who can tell the future? It is an exercise in futility. We are never late - because we don’t pretend to prophesize about a fixed time on which will all the features be delivered. Instead, in the provided timeframe we aggressively communicate about the priorities ensuring that the most important features are done first. If development stops for any reason - you’ll have the parts that customer wants the most.

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The little connection

You won’t find us on tv, big conferences, ranting about tech stacks on twitter. That said: depending on where you live if you drove a car, live in a building, use electricity, buy stocks, use cryptocurrencies, run a dictatorship, eat chicken or raspberries - there is a non-zero chance you already used our software.